Child CPR/Airway Management Torso 

• Simulates a 5-year-old child
• Practice intubation, ventilation, suction, CPR, and jaw thrust techniques
• Realistic anatomy and landmarks include teeth, tongue, oral and nasal pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, arytenoids, false and true vocal cords, trachea, lungs, esophagus, and stomach
• Practice oral, digital, and nasal intubation, as well as E.T., E.O.A., P.T.L., L.M.A., E.G.T.A., Combitube® and King System insertion
• Separate lungs for auscultation
• Manual carotid pulse
• Inflatable stomach indicates esophageal insufflation
• 5-year warranty
• Includes pump spray lubricant and instruction manual